The Very Cost-effective Dual Card Dual Standby Android Phones Mobile-Phones.CN

The Very Cost-effective Dual Card Dual Standby Android Phones Mobile-Phones.CN

Previously,the mobile phone has only one sim card,sometime we need two phones with two sim card,maybe that,one phone is using at home,one is using in work is Very convenient.Double card double standby mobile phone is coming,it is a mobile phone can be loaded at the same time, under the two SIM cards, and two cards that are in the standby state.So you can easily answer two phone calls with different phone card. It’s a miracle.

android phone is a mobile phone based android Os,now humman have about four phone OS,sysmbian,WP7,IPhone OS,android.The latest android Os verion is v2.3,i recommend 15 android phones ,it is Cost-effective Dual Card Dual Standby Android Phone.Please take a look at it carefully.

The Very Cost-effective Dual Card Dual Standby Android Phones Mobile-Phones.CN

g710e-8555111G710e Android 2.2 GPS Wifi Analog TV Touch Screen Smart Phone

hero20h2000-1448449 Hero H2000 Android2.2 Wifi Analog TV Capacitive Touch SmartPhone

hero20h30001-7039237 Hero H3000 Android2.2 Wifi GPS Analog TV Touch SmartPhone

hero20h400-4467065 Hero H400 Android 2.3 Wifi GPS Analog TV Touch Screen Smartphone

hero20h400-4467065 Hero H4000 Android 2.3 Wifi GPS TV Capacitive Touch Smart Phone

hero20h6-8236987 Hero H6 Android2.2 Wifi AnalogTV Java Trackball Touch SmartPhone

hero20h7000-3386062 Hero H7000 Android 2.2 WIFI GPS Compass Capacitive Touch Phone

idem20a3-3325955 IDEM A3 Android 2.2 Wifi GPS AGPS TV Touch Screen Smart Phone

B63M Android 2.3 MTK6573 3G Wifi GPS Capacitive Touchscreen Phon

bluebo20b1000-3971707 Bluebo B1000 Android 2.2 AGPS Wifi Analog TV Touch Screen Phone

chang20jiang20007-8640076 Changjiang 007 Android 2.2 WIFI AGPS TV Capacitive Touch Phone

fly20ying20f602-2696263 F602 Android Wifi A-GPS Analog TV Capacitive Touch Smart Phone

fly20ying20fg8-6438225 FG8 Android 2.2 Wifi A-GPS Analog TV Capacitive Touch Smart Phon

flying20f603-2741204 Flying F603 Android 2.3 AGPS Wifi Analog TV Touch Screen Phone

flying20f606-3870974 Flying F606 Android 2.2 AGPS Wifi Analog TV Qwerty Smart Phone

A7272+ MTK6513 Android 2.3 GPS Wifi Capacitive Touchscreen Phone