NT Metal Factory

msgbox_cor_lt-2174204 msgbox_cor_rt-4623984


msgbox_cor_lb-1628838 msgbox_cor_rb-2779539
msgbox_cor_lt-2174204 msgbox_cor_rt-4623984


msgbox_cor_lb-1628838 msgbox_cor_rb-2779539
msgbox_cor_lt-2174204 msgbox_cor_rt-4623984


msgbox_cor_lb-1628838 msgbox_cor_rb-2779539

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Look! this metal factory must discard so many useless metals, then factory can keep working. you have to shoot the balls on the circular form, and throw metals off the stage by shooting balls at them,there are many obstacles to overcome.Enjoy it! 看!这个金属工厂有许多废弃的金属需要处理掉,以确保工厂的正常运作.在圆形的区域发射你的炮弹打掉那些方块,每关都有许多障碍需要克服.希望你们喜欢!

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