The history MBT of the Popes of Rome
The history of the Popes of Rome, from the first origin of their influence as the simple pastors or bishops of a single metropolitan church, down through the days of their more than princely might and power to the present time, has been one of singular and eventful interest. The reflections suggested by visiting St. Peter’s and the Vatican, the place of the peculiar MBT shoes presence of the Roman pontiffs, from whence the voice of their authority has issued, and the thunderbolts of their wrath have been hurled, make it proper to give a brief and connected view of those onward strides to greatness, which ended in making them not merely the pretended Vicegerents of the Most High, but, as Paul describes them, exalting themselves above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that, as God, they sat in the temple of God, claiming to be God. Thus a ground-work may be laid for such remarks as Saints jerseys may MBT Sandals hereafter be made, respecting the present character, opinions, influence, and practices of the Church of Rome, as compared with those of past ages. My impressions on these subjects have been derived from observing and intelligent men in Catholic countries, and also from UGG Boots the works of Catholic writers collected in Rome, Naples, and other parts of Southern Europe.
And here it is not necessary to notice, in detail, the various opinions which have UGG been held with regard to the lawful rights and powers of the clergy. MBT shoes clearance Suffice it to say, that it is a subject on which men have widely differed ; and, while some would make the champions of the faith to be lords over God’s heritage, with power to fix the destiny of men, not in this world alone, but also in that which is to come; others claim that Christ, when on earth, not only strongly rebuked the desire of his disciples to rise above each other, but also so far fixed the parity of his ministers, as to allow of no distinction of rank, or office, or title, but only the natural preeminence arising from superior zeal and talents. As to the early MBT shoes centuries football jerseys of the Christian church, too, some can plainly see a MBT shoes clearance regular succession of bishops, priests, and deacons, and that the inferior grades MBT Kisumu were appointed, ordained, and governed solely by their diocesan lords; while others claim that different titles are applied to a single individual, and therefore that the terms bishop, elder, &c., as used in the New Testament, cannot be meant to designate different offices, but only the various duties and Viking jerseys qualifications belonging to a single office. MBT These last hold with the learned Moshcim, that until near the close of the second century, no minister of religion had charge of more than a single church, of which he was only the teacher and guide, and not throwback jerseys the lord ; that all churches were on an equality as to power, each one being a little independent republic, governed by its own laws, which were enacted, or at least sanctioned, by the people. But in process of time, in imitation of the confederations of the Grecian cities, it became customary for all the churches in a single province to unite, and form a larger society. The conventions held by these bodies must have some head, and thus arose diocesan bishops. The tendency of power, says an NFL jerseys oft-repeated maxim, is to steal from the many to the few, and thus as churches increased in number, and were enlarged, the authority and power of the bishops increased with them.