But at the end of the Share-trading Reform,warrant market is experiencing the test of history.How to make our warrant market healthy and prosperity capital market is becoming a concerned problem.This article trying to use the successful experience of overseas discount wedding dresses markets,and according to the present situation and existing problem of warrant market in our country,raising some suggestions for standardizing our lace wedding dresses country’ s warrant market.In the first part of this article,the concept and background of warrant is directed easily.Next,from three directions,some theories about warrant research are concluded and summarized to lay a good foundation for the http://forum.internet.ge research of this article. Next,the development cheap evening dresses process,current situation,existing problem of warrant market in our country are expounded to provide realistic meaning.Then the mature http://boards.trutv.com warrant markets overseas are compared and analyzed,in order to find some successful experience as a reference for standardizing our country’ s warrant market.At last, on the basis of the front analysis,some suggestions of myself are raised for standardizing our country’ s warrant market.