Although that you possess several designer bags,replica handbags, sometimes you still can not find a suitable bag for certain occasions. The other day I went shopping with a girl friend but couldn’t find a satisfy bag. My gathered bag either is dior shoes in size or too complicated to carry for shopping, only if I had bought this Juicy Couture Ombre-logo Wristlet earlier. This smart bag can be hand-carried so that I do not have to worry about its security problem nor afraid that the bag chain might press my precious shirt. You might also like to add this Juicy Couture wristlet to your wardrobe.
This designer purse comes out in two colors, neutral abandon and black. Personally I prefer the light color one for it goes well with my clothes in easy breezy spring summer days. Once again this Juicy Couture bag is made of high quality juicy couture that features «Juicy» embroidery only that this time the logo comes in ombre style. Dear, when you are choosing between the two colored bags there is one detail to notice. The desert bag features gold tone hardware but the black one with silver hardware.This wristlet bag measures 6 inches high,replica Louis vuitton handbags, 8.75 inches wide and 0.5 inch deep. The modestly look bag is discount mbt shoes for holding basic fundamentals. Besides,designer handbags, there are three inside card slots and an open pocket with magnetic closure on back. This Juicy Couture bag features log fabric lining and zip top with logo-buttoned pull tab. The wrist strap is 15 inches long and trimmed with adjustable buckle. How do you like this Juicy Couture Wristlet bag? It is available at no more than $78.00.
On May 1, Erin Fetherston will start her stint as guest designer and creative consultant for Juicy Couture with plans to design the line until the end of 2011. As soon as the holiday season, 2010, you can get your hands on limited wow gold that will no doubt incorporate the girly, fairytale-like Fetherston stamp. Juicy Couture, as I’m sure most of you are well aware, is known for the iconic velor track suits that every fashionista donned to do everything but exercise or go to the gym. They were too nice for that! As the trend started to wane, the company was acquired by Liz Claiborne that had a deal to eventually phase out co-founders and ed hardy Gela Nash-Taylor and Pamela Skaist-Levy. The two gave up their control of day-to-day operations earlier this year.By the looks of things, the marriage will be a good one: Both designer and brand are from California, Juicy has always been Fetherston-level girly and both appear to need the other. WWD reported that Nordstrom dropped Juicy Couture for fall and some new creative blood might drive interest again and help the brand steer clear of becoming just another corporate brand.