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It is necessary to provide for the optimization of the website.
149 дней(день)s назад 0 комментарии Категории: Tech News Теги:
Domain is the core of your online identity, or Web address to which you usmertie your business partners, customers, friends and others. On this site will be the said persons may obtain any information about you or what your activities that you want to represent. It is therefore important that the name of the domain in the completeness of your advertisement and may not be used by others. It is a very powerful tool for both companies, as well as for individuals. The domain you need, because: Domain name allows a unique Web identity. The name of the domain allows the Web address under which you are known only to you A quality domain name can provide increased visit SEO Hosting pages, and consequently also the very successful performance In general it is best to select the local domain or the world-famous domain such as .com/.org/.net. As for the domain name itself is important: the name should be short and concise, attractive, zapomljivo, understandable, and of course must represent your business. The allowed characters for a domain: Only the characters A-Z, in the case of some konnicah also umniki (.fr, .com, .net) dashes and the numbers from 1-9 (e.g. www.lepa-maja.si) The domain name cannot begin or end with a dash (e.g. www.-lepamaja.si or www.lepamaja-.si) Recommended is to use only lowercase letters The name can contain only valid characters to 67 Another important factor is that the name of the single domain browser friendly. In other words, it is necessary to provide for the optimization of the website.
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