Candy Color

msgbox_cor_lt-9836570 msgbox_cor_rt-6007704


msgbox_cor_lb-6212884 msgbox_cor_rb-2343252
msgbox_cor_lt-9836570 msgbox_cor_rt-6007704


msgbox_cor_lb-6212884 msgbox_cor_rb-2343252
msgbox_cor_lt-9836570 msgbox_cor_rt-6007704


msgbox_cor_lb-6212884 msgbox_cor_rb-2343252

Дождитесь загрузки игры (10-20 секунд)
и нажмите внизу красную кнопку PLAY GAME:


Collect all the candy in this fun puzzle filler remake. To change color of the current streak click on a colour of the candy and the streak will change. Fill all the candy with the same color to proceed to the next level!

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