Vector Snake

msgbox_cor_lt-1503376 msgbox_cor_rt-4885167


msgbox_cor_lb-8469938 msgbox_cor_rb-5211038
msgbox_cor_lt-1503376 msgbox_cor_rt-4885167


msgbox_cor_lb-8469938 msgbox_cor_rb-5211038
msgbox_cor_lt-1503376 msgbox_cor_rt-4885167


msgbox_cor_lb-8469938 msgbox_cor_rb-5211038

Дождитесь загрузки игры (10-20 секунд)
и нажмите внизу красную кнопку PLAY GAME:


use the arrow keys to move your snake around the screen. Collect the red egg to proceed to next level. When you get the egg you will be awarded a bonus depending on how many turns you have done. Each time you turn your bonus decreases by 1. get the gold to increase your bonus. The bonus increase you get when you collect the gold is 5 plus the level you are on. avoid running into your own tail or the edge of the screen

Arrow keys to move snake.

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