The Lord puts a blessing in it, he makes it go farthe garden produce the cow,they do what their hands find to do, and get along: so will he do with you, my dear. He will put you upon methods of industry and economy: your one chicken divided in six parts, with a little bit with the fruit of God’s blessing on your industry Beats By Dre is the garden, shall both taste sweet, and satisfy for the time. Try to be thankful; Moses said of the manna, This is the bread which the Lord your God gtveth yeu Pray and watch against dwelling on the plentiful tables of others; and when bidden Beats By Dr Dre to a feast, take your portion, and say, this is from the Lord for the time. Do not let a thought of misery or wretchedness dwell upon your mind. O no, God is good ; you shall not want O what sweet meals have , and my children made on hot potatoes, nicely boiled and cracked, with saltnot merely content, but they tasted good and savoury. There are peculiar pleasures in a life bf that kind. You shall yet sing of itNow, my dear friend, I have done with what I had to say on this head. I have had great fears of wounding, lest you should reckon me among Job’s friends: but you call me mother, and it is required of a mother to be faithful. I now leave it with the Lord. We are delighted to find you girding up the loins of your mind, and setting about active duty. Let us meet at a throne of Grace, and look to the course the Lord marks out for us.I have just parted with my dear afflicted friend P.; she left it in charge to me, that I should write to you in the time of your affliction. Surely, I would do any thing, whatever, that thought might alleviate either her, or your, distress. But there are cases, to which God alone can speak; afflictions Dr Dre Headphones which he ahmttftsm coosole. Such are those, under which die sufferer is commanded to be stiU, and know that he is God. He never leaves his people in any case; but sometimes shuts them up from human aid. Their grief is too great to be consoled by human tongue or pen..Such I have experienced. I lpst my only son; I neither know when, nor where; and for any thing I know, in a state of rebellion against God. Here, at my heart it lies still; who can speak to me of it ? net tker can I reason upon it Aaron held bis peace. Old Eli said, It is the Lord, let him do what seemeth good in kie sight. Samuel, in his. turn, had his heart wrung by his ungodly son.