Zombie Herder

msgbox_cor_lt-8313061 msgbox_cor_rt-5266015


msgbox_cor_lb-1649470 msgbox_cor_rb-3291064
msgbox_cor_lt-8313061 msgbox_cor_rt-5266015


msgbox_cor_lb-1649470 msgbox_cor_rb-3291064
msgbox_cor_lt-8313061 msgbox_cor_rt-5266015


msgbox_cor_lb-1649470 msgbox_cor_rb-3291064

Дождитесь загрузки игры (10-20 секунд)
и нажмите внизу красную кнопку PLAY GAME:


The dead are rising from their graves! Armed with your trusty cattle prod you must keep the zombies occupied until the proper authorities can dispatch them.

Do not let the zombies go off screen. Hit one with your cattle prod (Left Click) to make them walk in the other direction. For every zombie that gets away one innocent survivor dies.

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