Tippy Truck

guest wins Bronze Medal

score_bronze-2225224 sys_status_offline-9675038 score_bronze-2225224 sys_status_offline-9675038 score_silver-8371811 sys_status_offline-9675038 score_silver-8371811 sys_status_offline-9675038 score_bronze-2225224

msgbox_cor_lt-8078744 msgbox_cor_rt-8234814


msgbox_cor_lb-8705967 msgbox_cor_rb-4686591

Дождитесь загрузки игры (10-20 секунд)
и нажмите внизу красную кнопку PLAY GAME:


Use balance and skill to guide the truck safely to the end of each level.

Up/Down arrow keys to accelerate/decelerate Left/Right arrow keys to balance

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