
msgbox_cor_lt-3423758 msgbox_cor_rt-4128606


msgbox_cor_lb-2229892 msgbox_cor_rb-9186775
msgbox_cor_lt-3423758 msgbox_cor_rt-4128606


msgbox_cor_lb-2229892 msgbox_cor_rb-9186775
msgbox_cor_lt-3423758 msgbox_cor_rt-4128606


msgbox_cor_lb-2229892 msgbox_cor_rb-9186775

Дождитесь загрузки игры (10-20 секунд)
и нажмите внизу красную кнопку PLAY GAME:


The crappiest game on the web. You’re a pair of butt cheeks powered by gas. See how far you can get without having an accident. Avoid beans, toilet paper, and toilets.

Click the mouse to release gas and make the buns fly. Avoid beans, toilet paper, and toilets. Click to start.

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